October 19, 2010

What You Should Know About Prostate Cancer Cures

Before you can think of the best prostate cancer cures, it is important to know more about the disease first. Prostate cancer develops in the prostate gland, which is part of the male reproductive system. The prostate gland is a walnut size organ surrounding the urethra close to the bladder.

In most cases, this type of cancer is slow growing. However, there are cases when the cancer is more advanced spreading to other body parts such as bones and the lymph nodes. In such a case, it is known as metastatic prostate cancer. The major symptoms of this type of cancer include painful and difficult while urinating, erectile dysfunction and problems during sexual intercourse.

There are different causes of this disease including diet and genetics. It is also related with other forms of cancer with families where females have shown symptoms of breast cancer having a great potential for the males to develop prostate cancer. This could mean that breast cancer causes could also be the causes of this cancer. However, this is beneficial in that it can aid in early detection of the disease. The disease is also similar to colorectal cancer especially when you consider the metastasis.

There are many types of treatment for the prostate cancer patients. Their application depends on various factors such as the present stage of the disease, availability and the preference of the patient. Some of the treatments used commonly include branchytherapy, chemotherapy, cryotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, prostatectomy and natural treatments among others.

In most cases, people used most of the treatments listed apart from the natural cures. These were provided under strict medical supervision. However, these days people are shifting towards the natural cures. This is perhaps because of the idea that natural treatments provide more sustainable results.

Some of these natural prostate cancer cures include the use of Lycopene which is an antioxidant aimed at reversing the malignant processes. Research studies carried out indicate that consumption of cooked tomatoes provides a high Lycopene content. Watermelons, guavas and grapefruits are also great sources of Lycopene.

Saw palmetto is also used in therapeutic treatment for cancer of the prostate. This is because it helps in inhibiting the production of DHT. This reverses the enlargement or inflammation of the prostate gland. Selenium and zinc minerals are found in the prostate. Low levels of these two can lead to the development of this type of cancer. Natural treatments involve the consumptions of foods rich in these two elements such as shellfish, chicken and garlic for selenium and sunflower seeds zinc.

Apart from these, there are also natural prostate cancer cures, which are more physical. These include magnetic therapy in which the patients sit on a pad containing magnets. Acupuncture and massage are also used especially to make the patient feel more relaxed hence cope with stress. Finally, a person can also try to avoid consumption of products associated with this type of cancer such as alcohol in order to prevent occurrence.

When taking part in natural prostate cancer cures, it is advisable to note that the actual effectiveness of these remedies is still debatable. The best approach is to use them together with ordinary medical treatment plans. It is also important to inform your doctor about your plans to use them as some might have adverse effects on the treatment plan you are already undergoing.